Ultimate Sales Bootcamp…It’s Not Over Yet

Hey there! It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s Brand-New “Ultimate Sales Bootcamp” live training.

As we wrap up this amazing and powerful event, I’m simply in awe at the transformations I’ve had the honor to witness here. People are on fire — they can’t wait to get home and implement the life- and business-changing teachings they’ve experienced over the past 3 days.

It is my sincere hope you too have felt a bit of that “Lisa Magic” even from the comfort of your own home through the videos and livestream. (And, I hope one day, you too have a chance to join us and experience the magic and transformation for yourself.)

But before I leave you, I grabbed Lisa for one final good-bye — here’s where you can check it out:

It’s Not Over Yet

Thank YOU for being a part of our “Ultimate Sales Bootcamp” Backstage pass experience.

Michele PW

P.S. Our 24-hour livestream replay is happening right now. This is your chance to have Lisa walk you through how to design your Leveraged Progression Plan – the blueprint that enables you to serve more people, make more money, and stop re-inventing the wheel.

Insider Secrets to a 7-Figure Lifestyle Biz <<< 24-Hour Complimentary Livestream

You have until tomorrow morning to tune in and learn how to turn your expertise into a lifestyle business… Where you make big money and a big difference doing what you love!