Announcing our 2018 Speak-to-Sell Video Contest Winners

Our Graduates submitted their inspiring stories during our 2018 STS Video Contest and picking winners was really tough.

Today I’m happy to announce our top three winners and express a few words of gratitude!

Kathryn Calhoun credits Speak-to-Sell with an instrumental role in the launch of her coaching business. This busy mom stopped playing small and discovered how to ask for what she’s worth so she has more time for her family.

Melody Leon is recent graduate of Speak-to-Sell who, with help from my coaches, was able to transform her mindset and is already working with more clients thanks to her signature talk.

Martha Wilson struggled to explain her work and its value to potential clients. Using the plug-and-play structure of STS, she can now tell people about her work with smartly priced and content rich offers.

I am so blessed for the entire community that’s growing around the Speak-to-Sell system that helps entrepreneurs find the words to attract their ideal clients and share their irresistible offers without feeling salesy.

If you want to want to join my upcoming free training series about Speak-to-Sell, making your offer, and getting out there in a bigger way join the waitlist and I’ll let you know when it starts, just click HERE.

One thought on “Announcing our 2018 Speak-to-Sell Video Contest Winners

  1. Lisa’s work is AMAZEBALLS good. I’m honored to know two of these courageous and now even more impactful women, Kathryn & Martha. What a transformation! In my case, I used to speak & give away TONS of value — which is Great — but didn’t know how to “take it to pay”. I LOVE the simple structure that now lets me still give TONS of value AND have my ideals clamoring to buy. It’s wonderful.

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