How do I start finding speaking engagements?

Speaker Engagements

I know the legwork involved in getting speaking gigs can be tedious and time-consuming. The good news is, you don’t have to do it alone!

Hire an assistant or give the task to your current one. Early on, I hired an assistant with great connections to event planners. But even without any, your assistant can do a lot, like sending introductory emails or making calls.

Get your outline together. It’s not the same as a speaker sheet! It’s more for “speaking to sell”. For instance: “Crafting Your Signature Talk”. Tag line: “Get out there and share your expertise with the talk that you love and offers that sell.” Add a 250-word description of your talk. Also provide three to five bullets that describe key audience take-aways, and, of course, your bio.

Make sure information is at hand. I love having a speaker outline available because you can just reply to an email and say, “Yes, I have a great talk called ‘Boost Sales with Irresistible Offers’ and here are the details. Then you attach the speaker outline that has everything in it.

Are you trying to go it alone? How’s that working for you?