Does Speak-to-Sell still work?

It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s “Speak-to-Sell LIVE” Event…East Coast style!

One of the questions Lisa hears a lot is: “Does Speak-to-Sell still work?” After all, thousands of entrepreneurs and experts have invested in her proven formula over the years, so it would make sense that the formula would stop working as the “cat is out of the bag” so to speak.

Well, Lisa tackles that question head on in this latest Backstage pass:

Lisa shot this specifically for you so you’ll also get an update on how the event is going as well (we promised a peek behind the curtain after all!).

What Are Your Thoughts? And don’t forget to comment — go ahead and post below.

More later,
Michele PW

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