Embrace Your Femininity On Stage

Too often, I see female speakers using gimmicks or fist-pounding or flashy techniques they’ve seen male speakers use.

Somehow they got the idea that if they’re going to succeed on stage, they can’t do it being feminine.

That’s just not so.

There are huge advantages to being on stage with your femininity.

Women being feminine tend to draw people in. We attract. We’re also great multi-taskers, so when we get off stage, we can handle all of the back of the room action really well.

The company I worked for years ago, PAX Programs, taught that women have three parts to their femininity: the temptress, the mother and the queen.

The temptress is the tickle, the invitation. She’s the playful one. If you’ve heard me speak you know that I use playfulness a lot.

The mother is that nurturing part who lets prospective clients know that when they invest with her, they’ll be taken care of very well and are sure to get what they need.

The queen is the one that inspires people. People are motivated to invest with her because of her vision and strength. She has an open heart coupled with clear boundaries.

The great news is that you don’t have to choose. You get to be all of those parts of yourself on and off the stage when you’re being feminine.

So be your bold, playful, inspiring, nurturing self and show your audience what it looks like to be both feminine and powerful at the same time.