What’s Your Promise?

Whenever you’re designing a program, and this is especially true for a live event, the most important thing is for you to be clear on the promise of your event.

The clearer you are on the promise, the easier it will be to fill the seats.

Promise = Transformation
The promise of your event is the transformation that the attendee is going to receive. It’s the outcome. How will their life or business be transformed by attending?

For example, the promise of Event Profit Secrets is in its title and subtitle: How to create your own content-rich, highly profitable events that lead your ideal clients to your high-end mastermind, mentorship or coaching programs.

In fact, until two weeks before I taught my first Event Profit Secrets, ALL I had was the promise. And that promise sold out the room. I knew I had the content and know-how inside me, and that my integrity would drive me to pull it together in a powerful way…and so I did.

Show the Promise in the Title
The biggest secret for filling the room is for the promise to be apparent in the name of the event. So somebody can look at the name and think, “Speak-to-Sell,” Oh, I want to sell when I speak. Sign me up.

Years ago, I invested in a workshop called the Online Success Blueprint workshop because I wanted more success online. I wanted the exact transformation that was articulated in the title.

When the promise isn’t obvious in its name, it’s harder to fill the event. Big Mission, Big Sales, Big Life was my hardest event to fill because the promise wasn’t as evident. I always filled it, but it took more effort than Speak-to-Sell or Event Profit Secrets ever did.

On the other hand, when the promise is clear in the name, the event fills naturally. I used to teach a class for another company about understanding men that was called “The Amazing Development of Men.” I remember I always had to explain what the name meant after I said it. (That was a BIG CLUE that the promise wasn’t clear!)

When we changed the name to “Understand Men 101,” the class went from 10-person rooms to 20, 30 and 40 very quickly, because the outcome of understanding men was obvious—and irresistible.

Hot Tip!
Once you’re clear on the promise of your event, apply the 90/10 rule. In your marketing, you want to focus 90% on the transformation they’ll get from attending and only 10% on how you’re going to deliver that transformation. The delivery would be things like the length of the event, how many pages are in the workbook, its beautiful location, who’s speaking, the material they’ll get, etc.

They’re coming for a particular outcome, so stick to that, make it crystal clear in the title, and let your promise fill the room.

Let us know Your Promise below.